Friday, December 29, 2006

Selamat Menyambut Eidul Adha dan Tahun Baru Mashihi 2007

Saya ingin mengucapkan selamat menyambut hari raya eidul adha kepada semua pengunjung laman blog saya. Semuga semangat pengorbanan dari pengajaran sejarah Nabi Ibrahim a.s dan Nabi Ismail a.s. akan membantu kita dalam perjuangan dalam bidang kesihatan dan keselamatan pekerjaan.
Juga semuga kedatangan tahun baru mesehi 2007 akan memebri semangat melangit dalam diri kita untuk meneruskan perjuagan tersebut.
Salam hormat dari,
Dr. Aini Bin Hj. Murni, DP(USM) DSKP(UKM)
•Memetik kata-kata Persius dalam bahasa Latin:Sicre tuum nihil est nise te sicre hoc sciat alter: yang boleh diterjemah sebagai :"Ilmu pengetahuan anda tidak bermakna jika tidak ada orang yang mengetahuinya"

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

I am Still Busy

I am still busy giving lectures on ergonomics to the candidates of Certificate in safety inspector and Certificate in safety and heath officer at PPKS Kuching. Now PPKS is known as ICATS.
The two groups were combined in one class, a bit crowded though.
I have one more lecture on occupational health module to be given to the candidates of Certificate in safety inspector, probably in coming January.
Tomorrow is my third day lecture on Ergonomics to this combined class. I will deliver lectures on Manual handling Hazards, DOSH’s Gudeline on Standing & Seating at work and Office Ergonomics. My next two lectures on Developing Ergonomics Program and Participatory ergonomics will also be held in January 2007.
So I have no time to continue the topic on risk management on my blog.
Please be patient and stay tune.
With kind regards,
Dr Aini Bin Hj Murni, MD PGDOH

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Hazard part II

Welcome back!
Hazard by itself cannot produce harm or danger unless we are EXPOSED to the hazard. EXPOSURE is the main mechanism or pathway that release the dangers from hazard source.
How much is your exposure to hazard is the main question? What are the chain of factors in this exposure? Do you have control measure to prevent the transmission of consequence of hazard from occur?
For example:
You are doing soldering process in your work. This process involves the usage of lead which produces fume. Lead fumes at certain level in the air can enter your body through inhalation. The effect of excess plumbum in your body are anaemia, kidney impairment & neuropathy.
So you are exposed to LEAD FUMES which will adversely affect your health in the long run. How much is your exposure? Is the level of the fume in the air exceeding the permissible exposure level (PEL) as determined by law. What are the factors that are aggravating your exposure? Do you have knowledge of health effect of lead? Are you following standard operation procedure? What is your perception about health effect of lead? Do you value your health? Are there any control measures in your work to minimise the exposure of lead fume? Is there local exhaust ventilation available to suck out the fume? Do you wear appropriate mask? Do you wear appropriate glove?
The answer to these questions will determine how much exposure will you get from the hazard of lead fume. If you dont care about your health and safety, you will ignore all the above measures and factors. You will create what is called UNSAFE ACT or practice. You will also create UNSAFE CONDITION. Due to nothing happen yet, it will reinforce your behavior on this practice. Unless the safety culture in your organisation exist, you will continue with this bad safety and health practice at workplace without guidance or care from the people at your workplace. It is a matter of time when all the factors combined and aggravating each other, then the consequence occur - IMMEDIATE or DELAY. The chance or probability for you to suffer the consequence either affecting your safety or health is called RISK.
So when we deal with HAZARD, we should ask what is THE RISK of getting the consequence of the hazard ?
Your RISK is determined by how much is your EXPOSURE. The level of your exposure is depending on all the factors we asked earlier.
To determine the level of your exposure, we need to do HEALTH RISK ASSESSMENT and RISK RATING.
We will discuss this topic in next posting.


I am a bit busy lately. I am involved in OSH training for the course of certificate in Safety Inspector organised by Sarawak Skill Development Centre or well known as PPKS. I am giving lecture for Occupational Health Module and Industrial ergonomics Module.