30 employees who attended the workshop, learned about the basic knowledge on ERGONOMICS which aimed at creating EFFECIENCY AND WORK STANDARDS by improving the work flow and environment which fit to the capability of the workers, so that they can increase their PRODUCTIVITY. Fitting the workplace to the capability of the workers is vital inorder to safeguard the workers SAFETY and HEALTH.
By ignoring ERGONOMICS values at workplace, the workers will suffer Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs). MSDs - if detected at earlier stage, will reduce the medical cost as well as prevent the workers from further injury and disability. If UNERGONOMICS situation is not corrected earlier , it will cause irreversible Musculoskeletal Injuries - affecting primary tool (workers) capability to perform and affect the productivity performance of the company.
Dr Jalaluddin asked me to give lecture on Musculoskeletals Disorders, Thank you Sifu.