Wednesday, June 25, 2014

INSEPS Certificate in SHO, iCATS Kuching

My training to the ICATS INSEPS students started on 23 June and ended today. I was giving Module 3 Occupational Health which cover the following topics:
1. Overview of Occupational Health, Disease and Injury
2. Overview of Occupational Hygiene
3. Occupational Health Standards
4. Fundamental of Industrial Toxicology
5. Biological Monitoring and Health Surveillance
6. Physical hazards
7. Biological Hazards
8. Ergonomics and Ergonomics Risk Factors
9. Shift work
10. Mental Workload
11. Occupational Stress
12. Hazardous Substances
13. Indoor Air Quality
14. Ventilation
25 students attended the course.

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