My 2nd Health Talk for IOT staff was held on 22 Dec. 2008 at its conference room. 15 staff attended the talk. To share some information of the latest statistic of HIV/AIDS in Malaysia:
Since 1986 until Dec. 2008 : 80 938 of HIV infected cases was reported in Malaysia. 13 636 were confirmed to have AIDS and 10 334 of them died.*This figure is from MAC & MOH.
The above figures revealed that 13 Malaysian were infected by HIV per day and 3 Malaysian suffering from AIDS per day.
HIV and AIDS is NOT the same ; HIV is the virus, AIDS is the disease. HIV only can be transmitted through blood, body fluid (semen & vagina fluid) and from mother to her fetus.
HIV carrier normally appears healthy as you and me, so it is difficult to differentiate them. The only way to fight HIV/AIDS is through PREVENTION. HIV/AIDS is not merely medical problem, it is a social problem....... everybody needs to fight inorder to prevent it from spreading. One of the preventive measures is to have a healthy life style. Note: 1 December every year is WORLD AIDS DAY.
You can visit Malaysian AIDS Council (MAC), here
Here is the list of reference, click
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